Channel: SpectreSoundStudios
Category: Education
Tags: studiobias fxibanezseymourpeaveyspectreentertainmentmicrevvsoundfrickerboogie80s metalschecteraxefxmusicdualmesaheavy metalthrash metalfunnyloudstupid musician textsstudiosspectre media groupmetalguitarsbassrectifiermusic lessonshard rockhair metalduncanfunglennglen
Description: This week, we look at product recalls for potential fire hazards, plus a whole bunch of your comments & questions! Get Eargasm Earplugs at: Proudly Sponsored by Eargasm! 0:00 Tail Between Legs 0:40 Free DAW + First Female Compliment? 1:52 Stupid Musician Texts 2:40 Preamps & Compressors For Guitar Recording 4:12 Eargasm Ad 5:44 Line 6 G10S Battery Issues 7:00 Best Mic Ever Is Expensive? No Way! 7:16 Defending The Price 8:22 Butthurt Of The Week 10:15 Gigging In Cancún 11:56 Waahhh My Guitar Came Untuned!!! 12:19 2x12 Combo Amp? 13:10 Sarcastic Intros? 13:26 Offended Over Nothing 13:47 Various Budget Studio 14:27 Harley Benton Purchase Process 15:35 Line 6 Catalyst 16:16 $42 Shipping From Spain To Where? 16:44 More Camera Content! 19:38 Outro & Endscreen The Intro & Outro song - "The Eagle Has Landed" Get the Tracks to THE EAGLE HAS LANDED: Reaper skin is "Fusion Beta" Subscribe to SpectreSoundStudios and help the channel grow! More subs=more of the most honest music gear reviews on Youtube! About Spectre Sound Studios: I'm Glenn Fricker, engineer here at Spectre Sound Studios. I love making records, and after doing it for sixteen years, I want to pass on what I've learned. On my channel you can find tutorials on how to record guitar, bass, real drums and vocals. There's reviews and demos of tube amps, amp sims, drums, mics, preamps, outboard gear, Electric Guitar, Bass Guitar, and plugin effects. We've covered Moon on the Water, played Bias FX, given you the absolute best in Stupid Musician Texts, ranted & raved about bass guitar, and this channel is where The Eagle has Landed. Everything you've wanted to learn about recording Hard Rock & Heavy Metal can be found right here on this channel! I also respond to your comments & questions: The best make it into the SMG Viewer's Comments series of videos. Loads of fun, lots of laughs. Thanks for checking out my channel & please subscribe!